Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dear Mom and Dad

Dear Mom and Dad, First of all what i really want to tell you is that I really miss. I know you might have been worried that Henry and I left without tell but it was for our own good. My first reason why I left is because i don't want to be capped and second reason is I don't think it's what we are meant to do, so during the journey to the White Mountains I have found a new friend named Zhanpole and had discovered and learnt new things about the Tripods and our life. So anyways back to the reason being. I didn't want to be capped because I though of freedom and my future. I had to my own decisions for my life. I didn't want to be capped because when Jack got capped he didn't look happy, actually he didn't have any feelings on him at all after the ceremony. That was because that Tripods take that away while the capped him, they washed away all his memory of his family, his dreams, his imagination and even his feelings. I didn't want to end up like that. So I decided to wait for the right moment to escape, but I had some trouble because of Henry. I knew his mother died, I still cared but to tell you the truth I never did like him, he was always beating me up and ruining my life, so I wanted to run away from him and the tripods. Well I waited for the right moment which was at full moon and sneaked out of the house, but Henry was following me and forced me to take him with me because if I didn't then he would have came to tell you guys. Well, we did get along after awhile, but we still hate each other. I know you might be wondering why I might be giving you all the details is because now you know how I felt before this trip, during the trip and after the trip. That is only one reason why I left but here is the other reason. My last reason why I left is because I wanted to find out more about the Tripods and why we had to do all this capping ceremony. It turned out that before the Tripods came we were already happy, they didn't come here to make us happy they made us feel even more worst inside. They tricked us into making us feel happy. They used us as to like find more information about us, trying to find people who hasn't been capped. They also take people away from us, our loved ones, because when I arrived in Paris I met a beautiful girl named Eloise and she lived in a huge castle. I liked here a lot and she liked me back, and actually she tried to protect me from the Tripods, but she had to be capped to if she was to become a Queen, but once a Queen she has to serve the Tripods instead of staying in the country. It was heart breaking to leave her and go on with my own way. i had to do it it was only choice to get away from the Tripods and live free. I just wish all of these things would go away so we can live happily, but you have to achieve it then everything will be better, well to yourself. But during the tripod Henry and I received help and a new friend. His name is Zhanpole and he's from France too, but Henry calles him Beanpole which is kindof rude but it was easier to say. He helped us a lot during the journey because he had a lot of talent. he can speak French, English too also he likes to invent stuff and plus he knew the way to the White Mountains. He was a hero well we all were heros in our heart because we made to the White Mountains but to reach there we had to face a lot of trouble. But we made it in one peice. Now that we live in one of the moutains we actually met other men who has ran away from the Tripods and made to the White Mountains. They plan to defeat the Tripods one day and free all the people. I think it's a good plan because it's for all of our goods. Well this all I have to say to you but do really miss you so does Henry. I hope to see you again soon but for now we will stay here and see what we can do to stop the Tripods and help the capped people. Hope you the best and please do try and reply. I will also try to write more letters to you too. Love, Will and Henry See you soon

Saturday, March 26, 2011


For White Mountains readers, In Chapter 6, The Castle with the Red Tower, the idea of freedom is explored.

"The bitter thing was all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. For even more than inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being Capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady. Thinking of this, I saw how good things could be meaningless in isolation. What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?" (p. 111) In two well structured paragraphs explain how the above quote and the rest of the chapter relates to the theme, freedom.

My first reason why this is related to freedom is because Will starts to think about how it's like to be capped and comparing it with freedom. Will stayed with Eloise because he liked her and she liked him, but then later when Eloise is announced queen she has to be capped and serve the Tripods forever. This gave Will two choices he can stay and be capped or he can run away and be a refugee, but free. He made a dicesion that he wanted to be free because when Eloise said that she was so happy to become queen, to Will he felt betrayed. I think it was a good idea for him to flee the castle and Tripods because he decided to at the beggining and he wants to have his feelings and mind, really he wants to live a free will. If I was Will I would do the same thing.

My second reason is, Will is old enough to figure out new things and how things work around him. I think since he has never seen a granade and technology and stuff, with his journey to the White Mountain he was able to figure out new things and learn more about being capped and the Tripods. This I think will help Will during his journey because he will be able to stop the Tripods and warn the people. This means they can all live a free life and live a new generation. I liked how Will think during the trip, he had recieved a lot of help froom the people around him, he has stumbled upon Zhanpole(Beanpole) which knows the way to the White Mountains, speaks two different language french and english, also likes to invent stuff. With the information from them he was able to get out of trouble easily from the Tripods and the french people. This is a good choice that Will did not only for his life but for a lot of other people's life ven though he doesn't really know that.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Understanding and Emotions in the Novel

As Will, Henry and Beanpole continue their journey to the White Mountains, the boys gain new understandings and are exposed to variety of emotions. Here are a few questions to answer able chapter six in the novel.

1. How were the Tripods able to control the people?

how the Tripods were able to cap the human without any frustration, is that they confused them by saying that it was a ritual from childhood to adulthood but is actually a ghastly thing. Kids who have not been capped have started to question, but don't leave because they were afraid of the situation leaving home and going away. But only three boys felt that the tripods are terrible things, and that brings no imagination or thought in a person so they decided to go to the White Mountains and they sacrificed everything they had like food, their family and other s just to get away from being capped.

"Why should the Tripods take people way and Cap them? What rights have they?" This shows that Will refused to get capped but Eloise wants Will to be capped so they can live together. This gives two choices to Will: he can stay and be capped and live together with Eloise or run away to the White Mountains and live a free life.

2. Find evidence (quotations from the novel) to show that even though Will is comfortable living at the castle, he is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise have been capped.
Page 108
"Nothing, as far as I can see." He nodded at Beanpole. "He knows more than I do."
Beanpole said, "They are not like the villagers, or townsmen. The villagers, finding us, might have called the Tripods, but these not. They think it good for boys to leave their homes. Their own sons go far away."
I suppose I was a little confused still. i said, "Then they might help us!" Beanpole shook his head, sunlight flashing from his lenses in front of his eyes.
"No. After all, they are capped. They have different customs, but they obey the Tripods. They are still slaves. They treat us kindly, but they must not know our plans."
i had been thinking hard. I said, "Then you'd better make a break for it, while you can."
"No. It will be weeks before you are fit to travel."
"But you two can get away. I'll follow when I am able. I remember the map well enough."
Page 109
"What do you suggest, then?" asked Henry. I could see he was not persuaded. "If we stay they'll cap us eventually."
"That is why staying is better for now." Beanpole said. "I have been talking with some boys. In a few weeks there is the tournament."
"The tournament?" I asked
"It is held twice a year," Beanpole said "in spring and summer. They have feasts, games, contests, and jousting between knights. It last five days, and at the end is their capping day."
3.Find evidence(quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped.

Page 119
She asked about my health--- Itold her I was very well--- and if I were happy at the castle. I assured her that I was. Then she said
"I am glad of that. Perhaps if you are happy, you will not want to leave us."
It had been taken for granted that three of us would be presented at the Capping Day following the tournament.
I think Will is a little scared and nervous in his head but in his heart he's saying it's for his own good.

How is Beanpole helpful during the trip???

Beanpole is a new member of the group and actually he is really helpful in so many ways. It was a good thing Will and Henry stumbled upon him because without him they would be lost and would never even reached the White Mountain. Here are some reasons why Beanpole is useful.

Beanpole is able to speak two languages, French and English. Since now they are all in Paris, Beanpole is able to translate a lot of things to Will and Henry. This is useful because the group now understands what is going around them and also receive help. Here is something from the book. Page 97 WE ate the last of food in a place where the trees were dense in front of us, without any buildings. The reason lays in the slabs of stone, some upright but more leaning or fallen, which stretched away into the darkness of the wood. The words carved on the nearest one were:


13 ANS

The fist two words, Beanpole explained, meant" Here Lies," "ans" was years and "decedee" was died.

So with the help of beanpole they were able to know a lot of things.

Beanpole also helped because he knew the way to the white mountains better than Will and Henry. So with this they will be able to get there easily because Will actually let Beanpole join the group since he trusted that Beanpole knew the way better. Also he helped them escape the people who captured them. So I think Beanpole has earned trust from Will.

I think they will get to the white mountains because if not the book won't really makes sense but also because with the help they get with Beanpole around it would be easier to reach the place and not really get caught. One last thing is that Beanpole likes to invent things so maybe with his inventions they would be able to get out of trouble.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How is Will just like me?? :P

Well in humanities my new lit circle book is "The White Mountain" by John Christopher. This is about Will the main character, learning new features about the tripod and is trying to escape it when it is time for him to get capped. A tripod is a big machine that has three legs and three tentacles. In the two chapters I read I found out that Will's cousin Jack had been capped and isn't able to communicate with Will. But later on in the second chapter Will meets a homeless man who is wearing a fake cap, which is what the tripods would use to control people. The homeless man is called Ozymandias, and with the help of him Will can escape to the white mountains with his friends.

Well back to the question. Will is similar to me because we are both have a change in life and our communities are also changing. Like for example I use to have friends that always follow each other around, but then later on years has pass and we have grown older so we have our own decisions to make our own path to take. But there are more reasons why we are similar

Another thing is that our surroundings change, like when I was small like about 4 or 5 I never knew about many things that surrounds me but now I know almost every thing. I'm just going to go a little of topic for now. For example if you were born in let say 1996 the technologys then weren't as complicated as now a days. Okay lets say first we started with a phone then we started to have cameras on it then later on we had touch screens and then internets all on one phone.

My last reason why we might be similar So not only our surroundings change but also our body. Like ok I'm growing taller more hair and People would go through puberty. That is also a big change to our life. But any ways yea that is one thing that is similar.

The second thing is that