Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Courage

Ever since I was small I was afraid of spiders but not of other creepy crawlies. I would just pick up a grasshopper, a ladybug, an earthworm and other insect but when it comes to spiders I would just scream and run away even at the smallest one. that was one of my biggest fear of all.

When I was sitting in the car driving to the airport there was a small spider just crawling around on the seat next to me and I would just inch closer to the door until the spider gets closer then I start crying to my parents about the spider. But my father would always say that the spider can sense my fear so it would come closer and might even attack. So I would just sit back in my seat trying to calm myself down and over come my fear.

Finally we reached the airport we were travelling to Belgium for the Christmas holidays and it took 8-10 hours from China to Belgium. But I was happy to arrive in Brussels safely because of the hard snow but we still had to drive to Antwerp to stay with my grandparents and  their house is really old and it's filled with spider which I was afraid of. But once my father told me that these spiders are the common house spiders, the daddy long legs and they're harmless and if you get scared  just sing the itsy bitsy spider song.

We all went to the town to go shopping and I saw a small spider that was black and on its back it was green and purple. I sang the song and put my hand down on the ground and let the spider crawl on it put my mother told me to put it down because she was afraid that it might as well bite me, so I let it down slowly to the ground and it crawled away.

Now I've overcome my worse fear and learnt to enjoy my life with or with out spiders but I'm still a bit freaked out about big, huge, hairy spiders.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi,
    I really like your story because you made it very clear on how you were afraid of spiders. I liked that you sang the itsy-bitsy spider song and I thought it reassured you. I'm still afraid of spiders and the next time I see one, I'll have a way to let go of my fear like you did. When you said "But I was happy to arrive in Brussels safely because of the hard snow but we still had to drive to Antwerp to stay with my grandparents and their house is really old and it's filled with spider which I was afraid of", I felt as it there was someone in my head just saying that sentence really fast. Maybe next time you could make pauses in your sentence and put commas. I could see that you worked hard on this and put a lot of effort. I really enjoyed this and I am looking forward to reading another blog post of yours!

  3. This is such a great story about facing your fear. But still there are some errors like on second paragraph it says, "then I start crying to my parents about the spider," but it could have been better if you said, "then I started crying infront of my parents because of the spider." Your pictures are very interesting though next time add email, where you got it. You had written a very interesting paragraph and I thought it was good because I could picture the spider crawling next to you beside your seat. Keep this work because ITS REALLY GOOD!!!
