Well in class we were learning about pharoahs and we were to study about their life. We were each given a pharoah. I got king Tutunkamun the youngest pharoah. I was excited since I knew a lot about him. Here are a few things about pharoahs.
I think that Egyptian pharoahs built monument because the monuments they built is to show the Egyptians how powerful and great he/she was and maybe what he has done to help. Most pharoahs would have a lot of monuments but king Tut only had one monument and that was his tomb, He only had his tomb because he died at ayoung age that he couldn't start his monument.
In thailand they have all th
e monuments of the kings in Thailand. Like for example King Rama 5. The reason why they built monuments of all their king is because they are royal and the are brave, strong, helpful, kind and they make the right decision for the country.

Using google doc to help was good because I could communicate with my partner and we can see what notes are already down, so we don't have to rewrite it and also check each others work. I do think google doc is a good scource to use when working with a partner.
I learnt knew things about my pharoah that I never knew before and I got to know if my partner knewabout our pharoah. It is pretty interensting when you learn somthing new.
What I thought was challenging was getting the work together and making to imovie together with my partner because we did have some difficulty with the interent and uploading it to youtube. That was the most challenging thing for us.
This my imovie of my pharoah